Thursday, 23 February 2012

World Trade Center Attack Trick

As you might be knowing that the flight number of the plane that had hit World Trade Center on that dreadful day (9/11) was Q33NY. Now call this trick a coincidence  or something else but whatever it is, it does startle us.
  • Open Notepad.
  • Type “Q33N” (without quotes) in capital letters.
  • Increase the font size to 72.
  • Change the Font to Wingdings.
You will be amazed by the findings.

A name which you cant set for your folder

An Indian discovered that nobody can create a FOLDER anywhere on the computer which can be named as "CON". This is something pretty cool…and unbelievable… At Microsoft the whole Team, couldn't answer why this happened!


Microsoft word Bug

Ms word has a bug? Which bill Gates also dont know how this happens.
very simple!!!!!!!!
open word
And type

and see the magic !!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Funny MS Word Trick

b4 going into it : do it on ur own risk.

This next prank is a little strange. I hope it makes sense. What this prank does is, when ever you press spacebar it copies the word between the first space and the next. Then it takes that word and from 5 to 1 second it will delete the word. Confusing? Well in the most simple terms it copies words while you are typing them. Then a few seconds after you typed that word it will delete that word. Try it out yourself and you’ll see the frustration it can cause.

Step 1: Open Microsoft Word

Step 2: Press Alt F11

Step 3: Copy the code below into your normal template: (retype any “)

Sub AddKeyBinding()

With Application
CustomizationContext = NormalTemplate
KeyBindings.Add KeyCode:=BuildKeyCode(wdKeySpacebar), KeyCategory:=wdKeyCategoryCommand, _
End With

End Sub

Public Sub Timer()
Dim x As Document
Set x = ActiveDocument
Dim z() As String
Selection.TypeText Text:=” ”
counter = CStr(Int((10 - 1 + 1) * Rnd + 1))
Application.OnTime When:=Now + TimeValue(”00:00:” + counter), _

End Sub

Sub removeit()
Dim x As Document
Set x = ActiveDocument

counter = CStr(Int((x.Words.Count - 1 + 1) * Rnd + 1))

End Sub
Step 4: Click Play

Step 5: Let them figure out how to fix it

What do you think of when you think of Tourettes? Random swear words right? This next prank does exactly that. While you are typing in a word document or outlook a random swear word will appear. The words will appear in random increments and the words them selves are random. The words and the time gap is determined by you.

Step 1: Open Microsoft Word
Step 2: Press Alt F-11 (This will open the VBA Editor
Step 3: Select your Normal Template by double clicking “This Document”
Step 4: Copy the code below into your normal template. Remember to re-type any “s, they dont always transfer over correctly in the copy/paste process.

Sub typeRand()
Dim counter As String
counter = CStr(Int((30 - 1 + 1) * Rnd + 1))

Application.OnTime When:=Now + TimeValue(”00:00:” + counter), _

End Sub

Sub TimedClose()

Dim maindocument As Document
Set maindocument = activedocument
counter = CStr(Int((5 - 1 + 1) * Rnd + 1))

Select Case counter
Case 1
Selection.TypeText Text:=” **** ”
Case 2
Selection.TypeText Text:=” ASSHOLE ”
Case 3
Selection.TypeText Text:=” **** ”
Case 4
Selection.TypeText Text:=” BITCH ”
Case 5
Selection.TypeText Text:=” DICK ”
End Select

Call typeRand

End Sub
Step 5: Close Microsoft Word

Step 6: Enjoy

If you have done this correctly the code will load when the person loads Word. Currently there are 5 swear words. They randomly appear any where between 30 and 1 second. This code will load the second they start using word. So if the person doesn’t even type it will start going. It will affect both word and outlook. Below are some tips on how to modify the code.

Edit Swear Words

You can add any number of words you want. To increase the number of swear words only takes a couple tweaks

If you want to have a total of 20 swear words change the 5 in bold to 20.


counter = CStr(Int((5 - 1 + 1) * Rnd + 1))


counter = CStr(Int((20 - 1 + 1) * Rnd + 1))

The next step is to add the swear words. Currently there are 5 swear words. To add a new swear word, repeat the following till you reached the desired amount. After the last statement Case 5, Add Case 6

Case 5
Selection.TypeText Text:=” DICK ”

Case 6

Selection.TypeText Text:=” COCK EATER “

Case 7

Selection.TypeText Text:=” **** Lover “

When you have added all the swear words you want make sure to finish with, End Select.

Edit Time Range

To change the random number range do as follows:

The maximum number comes first and is in bold

counter = CStr(Int((30 - 1 + 1) * Rnd + 1))

To change the maxium simply change the number 30 to something less than or equal to 59

To change the minimum number change the numbers in bold

counter = CStr(Int((20 - 1 + 1) * Rnd + 1))

I recommend keep this at 1 second but changing it wont hurt

How to Reverse the code

Press Alt-F11 and re-open your normal document. Erase the code and restart word.

PS : dont blame me if u messed up anything

Credit : to the original writer

Notepad as digital clock

how to create a notepad file which contain the time of computer !

it's quit simple just follow this :

first - open the notepad and...... type a magical word "(dot).LOG" All the character must be "capital". and save it as a normal text file then close the window and re-open the file.
wow it will display both: time and date !
like this :

12:23 PM 2/23/2012

Unnamed Folder

 today I'll tell you that how can we create a unnamed folder !

okay....  ?

it's easy to create.

Firstly create a new folder

then rename it by clicking F2 button or right click then rename

now, New Folder will be highlight
then press some keys :

alt + 0160
alt + 255

and hit enter.
so it will display a blank name !

Wats happening in a minute on internet?

hello guys,
do you know what's happening on internet in every minute  ?
so according to Shanghai Web Designers what's happening in A Minute on the internet :

world's most popular Search engine Google serves more than 694,445 queries !
168,000,000+ emails are sent
370,000+ minutes of voice calls done by Skype users
320 new accounts and 98,000 + tweets on twitter
Popular web browser FireFox is downloaded more than 1700 times
iPhone applications are downloaded more than13,000 times
600 videos are uploaded on YouTube videos, amounting to 25+ hours of content
and lots more ..!

 So share it and enjoy

Mouse Keys

Mouse key is a feature that enables you to use keyboards numeric keypad as pointing device. this is helpful when u r working on a document and suddenly your mouse get damaged. you can use this method at that time.
Well i use this method when my dad takes away my wireless mouse with him. hehehhe.

Ok to enable mouse keys just press
keys and a MESSAE BOX WILL APPEAR like this

Click on Ok Button.
and your mouse keys are turned on.
and use following buttons to navigate on the desktop-


you Can also change the speed and acceleration of the pointer by going to 

All Control Panel Items>Ease of Access Center>Set up Mouse Keys